Hotel Vouchers for Homeless Cincinnati Ohio – Get Help Now

Homelessness is a serious issue in the US including Cincinnati, Ohio. Several organizations, churches, and the government are working continuously to end homelessness in society. They offer hotel stay vouchers, free homeless shelters, and temporary housing options for homeless people to give them a roof over their heads and to save them from the street.

Hotel vouchers are prepaid coupons that offer free temporary housing assistance to homeless people and families in a hotel or motel. These vouchers are usually issued by government agencies, non -profit organizations, or churches to help people find a temporary shelter.

For homeless people of Cincinnati Ohio, stayinguide is a good solution. Stayinguide has described free hotel vouchers for homeless Cincinnati Ohio here. Through this article, we will explore how can you get these hotel vouchers, who helps with hotel vouchers, who can get help and many more details that you should know.

What Does a Hotel Voucher Do?

Housing assistance in Ohio is available to:

A hotel voucher is a form of temporary assistance that helps people or families stay in hotels or motels when they do not have anywhere else. It is usually provided by non -profit organizations, government agencies, or emergency shelters.

What a Hotel Voucher Covers:

✔️Free or discounted stay at a hotel/motel for a limited time.
✔️Basic accommodations like a bed, bathroom, and sometimes meals.
✔️Temporary housing while seeking a shelter or permanent home.

Organizations that Offer Hotel Vouchers for Homeless Cincinnati Ohio

To help and save the people of Cincinnati Ohio, there are nonprofit organizations that work continuously. They actually offer free homeless shelters and free hotel vouchers to homeless people. Here stayinguide has described 4 top organizations that help with free hotel stay vouchers in Cincinnati Ohio.

1. American Red Cross

Offers housing assistance through hotel vouchers to people who are homeless due to natural disasters or fires. They also provide financial assistance for clothing and food.

  • Address: 2111 Dana Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45207
  • Phone: (513) 579-3000


2. Bethany House Services

Provides emergency shelter and, when necessary, hotel accommodations for families, including fathers and boys over age 12. Bethany House Services also offers case management to assist with job and housing searches.

  • Address: 1841 Fairmount Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45214
  • Phone: (513) 381-7233 (SAFE)

3. Interfaith Hospitality Network

Interfaith Hospitality Network helps homeless families, including single parents and married couples with children. They provide shelter and support services, with specific guidelines regarding curfews and substance use.

  • Address: 990 Nassau Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206
  • Phone: (513) 471-1100

4. Salvation Army

Salvation Army offers emergency housing to single women and their minor children, providing a safe environment along with meals, case management, and life skills programs.

  • Address: 131 E 12th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
  • Phone: (513) 762-5600

These are the top 4 organizations, so if you’re experiencing homelessness right now, or know anyone suffering from homelessness, then immediately contact these organizations

Government Programs That Help With Hotel Vouchers in Cincinnati Ohio

To help homeless people with a shelter, government programs help with hotel vouchers in Cincinnati Ohio. here we have described the programs that help with free hotel vouchers.

1. Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) Program

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has an assistance program called the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program to help homeless people and families. In Cincinnati, Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) conducts the program.

  • Address: 1635 Western Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45214
  • Phone: (513) 721-4580

2. Hamilton County Community Resources

Hamilton County provides various resources for residents facing housing challenges, including fares, utilities, and assistance with emergency shelters.

  • Address: 138 E Court Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
  • Phone: (513) 946-1000

In case of emergency, you can contact these government programs directly or visit their website to get assistance.

Other Emergency Shelters in Cincinnati Ohio

If you can’t get hotel vouchers for free then don’t worry! There are other emergency shelters too in Cincinnati Ohio where you can stay for free in emergency, when you have nowhere to go.

1. Shelterhouse (Drop Inn Center)

Offers homeless shelters to single men and women experiencing homelessness.

  • Location: 411 Gest Street, Cincinnati, OH 45203
  • Phone: (513) 721-0643

2. Bethany House Services

Provides emergency shelter for families with children.

  • Location: 1841 Fairmount Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45214
  • Phone: (513) 381-7233 (SAFE)

3. Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)

Helps families with children by providing temporary housing.

  • Location: 990 Nassau Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206
  • Phone: (513) 471-1100

So, due to high demand if you can’t get hotel vouchers, but spend nights under the open sky and need a shelter immediately, then contact these shelters immediately.

How to Get a Hotel Voucher ASAP?

Here stayinguide has described a few exclusive tips to get a hotel voucher asap. Follow these tips here:

  • Call the Cincinnati Homeless Hotline: The first step in getting an emergency hotel voucher is calling the Cincinnati Homeless Hotline.

Phone Number: (513) 381-7233

  • Contact emergency shelters: If free hotel vouchers are unavailable, then contacting the nearest homeless shelter might be your next best option.
  • Ask nonprofit organizations for help: Ask nonprofits like the Red Cross, and local charities to offer free emergency housing assistance.

Follow these exclusive tips to get immediate hotel vouchers.

Who Qualifies for Housing Assistance in Ohio?

Housing assistance in Ohio is available to:

  • Low-Income Families: Families whose gross earnings are below 50-80% of Area Median Income (AMI).
  • Homeless People & Families: People who are spending nights on the streets, or in unsafe housing.
  • People with Disabilities: Physical or mental disabilities may qualify.
  • Seniors (62+): Low-income elderly people.
  • Domestic Violence Survivors: Pregnant moms, single seniors, and others who are domestic violence survivors.

If you think that you’re not eligible then, let you know that these are common eligibility requirements that we have described here. You should contact the organization and their requirements.

Where Can I Get an Emergency Housing Voucher in Ohio?

Finding housing assistance? Here you can find emergency housing vouchers in Ohio.

  • Local Public Housing Authority (PHA): Offers Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs) to the needy. You can visit their official website – or call them at (614) 466-7970.
  • Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA): Manages Section 8 and EHV programs that help people with emergency shelter assistance. For help visit their website – or call them directly. Phone: (513) 721-4580
  • Hamilton County Job & Family Services (JFS): Provides rental assistance and emergency housing assistance or vouchers. To get emergency assistance you can Visit their website at Phone: (513) 946-1000
  • United Way 2-1-1 Hotline: Call 2-1-1 to get connected with local housing resources.

Impact of Hotel Vouchers on Homelessness

This is how hotel vouchers help homeless people in Ohio.

  • Immediate Shelter & Safety: Provides a temporary place to stay, keeping homeless people safe from dangerous conditions.
  • Prevents Health Risks: Reduces exposure to extreme weather, illness, and unsafe environments.
  • Supports Families & Children: Keeps families together and offers stability for children.
  • Helps with Transition to Permanent Housing: Allows time to find a job and apply for stable housing.

Through government and nonprofits, you can receive free hotel vouchers and get these benefits.


Hotel vouchers provide housing support for the homeless in Cincinnati, Ohio. But remember they offer temporary relief, and long-term housing solutions remain necessary. If you are suffering from homelessness and need help with a shelter then contact the organizations and government programs that stayinguide has mentioned here.

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